School Return Information
Student Start Dates: Tuesday 1st September Woodlands Wednesday 2nd September North Durham Academy, Tanfield School Thursday 3rd September Parkside, St. Bedes, Belmont, St. Johns & Framwellgate Friday 4th September Consett Academy All transportation arrangements/pick up and drop off times remain the same. Students are required to wear face coverings whilst being transported in minibus or Taxi. Delta Independent School will be providing all students with their own washable face mask on their return to school. Lunch/Break Arrangements: Students will still be permitted to leave the premises with staff at Lunch time if required. However, we do highly recommend students bring a packed lunch into school and ask parents to encourage this as we want to reduce their time spent in the community. Drinks and snacks will continue to be provided however we only have zero sugar drinks now available. The cereal bar will also continue to be offered at First Break time, offering Cereal and fresh fruit at no charge.