
Once your son or daughter starts with us, you may well need to contact the school at some point. You will find useful contact details below.

Please note that, our school receptionist is the key person to communicate with in the first instance.


At Delta Independent School, the best and most effective form of communication we have is our ‘Engage/Parent Portal’ system. This holds key school details as well as up to the minute data on your child about their attendance, assessment and behaviour. Parents/carers can access this with a personal log in. To obtain a login please contact Paul Hillary on the Delta school number.


Lucy - SEN Support worker 01207 502680

Emma - Mental health lead 01207 502680

Lucy - DSL Lead 01207 502680


Email is a form of communicating with parents. To enable us to do this, please provide your email address on the student referral form. You can always contact us through the school

EMAIL: Please state to whom your email is intended.