
It would be unrealistic to expect that starting at Delta Independent School is going to be plain sailing for everyone. In fact, it is time of excitement and fear in equal measures, and as a parent trying to achieve the right balance of not offering too much support or letting things go on for too long can be tricky.

Your son or daughter may fall out with their friends. This is common and very normal, the process of this happening can be upsetting for all involved but we tend to find that our students work things out very well by themselves without the need for adults to be involved.

Your son or daughter will experience a healthy mixture of emotions. The process of working through uncomfortable feelings is what enables the majority of Delta students to grow their personal resilience and deal with setbacks in a positive way.

Your son or daughter may worry about particular lessons and assessments. This is normal and with good routines and organisation, there worries will settle. You know your son or daughter best and talking to them about how things are at school is going to give you a good idea of how he or she is feeling about the academic and social aspects of their day to day life.

If you are seeing that an aspect of school life is persistently upsetting them, and you have offered them your tried and tested solutions, then we would always encourage you to contact us so we can work together to support a positive outcome.